Start Working


python 3.6 as least, and git are required.

Install mathmakerlib in dev mode in a venv:

  • Linux

    $ cd to/your/dev/directory/
    $ python3 -m venv dev0
    $ source dev0/bin/activate
    (dev0) $ pip3 install pytest tox flake8 pydocstyle sphinx sphinx-autodoc-annotation sphinx-rtd-theme
    (dev0) $ mkdir mathmakerlib
    (dev0) $ cd mathmakerlib/
    (dev0) $ git clone
    (dev0) $ python3 develop
  • FreeBSD

    $ cd to/your/dev/directory/
    $ python3 -m venv dev0
    $ source dev0/bin/activate.csh
    [dev0] $ sudo pip3 install pytest tox flake8 pydocstyle sphinx sphinx-autodoc-annotation sphinx-rtd-theme
    [dev0] $ mkdir mathmakerlib
    [dev0] $ cd mathmakerlib/
    [dev0] $ git clone
    [dev0] $ python3 develop
  • Windows (PowerShell)

    It is strongly advised to develop on a Linux or FreeBSD box. Nevertheless, for testing purposes at least, this is useful to know how to start a virtual environment on Windows (PowerShell), so here it is:

    First open a PowerShell: Windows 7: start menu > search for “PowerShell” > right-click > run as administrator. Windows 10: hit the Windows key + X to open a PowerShell with admin rights.

    PS C:\Windows\system32> cd ../..
    PS C:\> cd .\Users\username\
    PS C:\Users\username> Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
    PS C:\Users\username\venv> & 'C:\Program Files\Python36\python.exe' -m venv dev0
    PS C:\Users\username\venv> .\dev0\Scripts\Activate.ps1
    (dev0) PS C:\Users\username\venv>

    then follow the same steps as under Linux or FreeBSD: pip install the dependencies, clone the git repo and run with develop option.

    Or, if this is just for testing: pip install mathmakerlib

The tests are stored under tests/.

Run the tests:

(dev0) $ pytest -x -vv -r w tests/

So far, more details can be found in the documentation for developers of mathmaker.